Contact Us

Ján Rosinský – CEO

For countries: Europe
Phone: +421 917 559 273

Main informations about company


Company name: ROJAWELDING s.r.o.
Address: Lúčky 1253/5, 972 01 Bojnice
ID: 53021371
TAX Number: 212 1219 012
VAT Number: SK 212 1219 012

Rojawelding s.r.o. is a company with 17 years of experience

Rojawelding s.r.o is a company with 17 years of experience in the field of complex welding, locksmith and piping work: The establishment of the company was a response to the market’s need for quality professionals in the field of welding and assembly.

We focus mainly on the foreign market, which makes full use of our language skills and quality organizational skills at work. The company has an experienced team of welders with many years of experience. Every employee is trained in safety and quality.

Get In Touch With Us

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    Order our welding team

    Disponujeme 12 certifikovanými zváračmi a potrubármi. Všetci naši zvárači sú drziteľmi VCA/SCS certifikátu ako aj Certifikátu-osvedčenia o skúške zvárača/ potrubára. Naši zvárači majú niekoľkoročné skúsenosti s prácou v zahraničí a  sú schopní zvárať metódami 111, 121, 135, 136 a 141 podľa daných požiadaviek a noriem.

    Order our welding team